Anne and Friends

Choose to be you, believe in you

Save the date: Thursday 23 will be on stage

Hey nice people, I’m going back on stage for my second time doing story telling in english. It will be at Pub Limerick, this thursday 23 may at 21:30

The first time, I was so scared that I forget to record myself, but yes I’m still going to do it again, and yes I’m still scared.
So why ?
Well, first of all because the people who listen to me looked like they had a good time, the feedback at the break was really positif, it made me feel like I might have help people, and that’s the ultime goal for me !

So here I go again, with a all new story.
I will need your support so join, also the place is really nice and they have really good beers, included belgium beers.

The event : Poetry & Storytelling Barcelona Open mic
Where : Nuevo Pub Limerick – Carrer del Bruc, 55, 08009 Barcelona

Anne Stolbowsky

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