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No make up is beautiful #nomakeup #nofilter

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As girl, teenager, woman, we tend to feel insecure about our image and beauty, make up has easily became The instant fix, allowing us to fake something we considered as a pretty face, playing the game of apparences, never really facing our insecurities.

Make up as been a part of my life since I was maybe 13 or 14 years old. Even before for the danse show and carnaval.
But it really all started with a mascara, an easy way to open my eyes that I always found too small.
My love for make up was already there.
Maybe I loved too much carnaval ?Maybe I found it a good way to hide all my insecurities ?
Maybe I just saw a new way to express myself, some sort of art ?
Maybe I just wanted to look like the girl in the magazine.
Honestly, I think it really was a bit of everything, and it’s ok, as long as you can also live without makeup !
But it wasn’t always the case.

Make up for a danse show at the end of the year, june 82, I was 7
– Make up for a danse show at the end of the year, june 82, I was 7 –

I remember having 20 years old, and feeling almost sick because I didn’t have the time to put mascara on and I was on the way to see my boyfriend (who didn’t care about make up). Yes I made myself almost sick because I was going out feeling almost naked. This was such a proof of my law self esteem at that time.

To push myself even further in the world of “beauty”, I took some classes expecting that one day I would be a make up artist for theatre and cinema, so I became (among other things) a professional in beauty and aesthetic (finally, life has led me somewhere else).
I was in the heart of beauty industry and I should have listened to the best lesson ever : “The most beautiful face will be a clean , hydrated, happy and relaxed face
Yes, to be honest it’s all you really need !
But even today, I rarely go out with no make up, unless I’m going to the gym or to the beach, and I never ever share on social media a picture of myself with no make up, unless I got sunglasses on.
Oh, I don’t put that much, unless it’s a special night (in that case I go all the way and further), just the eyes, some blush and maybe sometimes lipstick. So not that much, every morning of every day, all the time.
Not that many people can say they saw me with no make up on.

Being a proud body positivity advocate, I never really considered the new #nomakeup trend to be an important part of what I should do, but I sure have to think about it.

Alicia Keys, who decided in 2016 to show her “true self” for a photo shoot and was inspired to go on like that indefinetely.
She even wrote one song called “When a girl can’t be herself” where she says :
” In the morning from the minute that I wake up
What if I don’t want to put on all that make up?
Who says I must conceal what I’m made of?
Maybe all this Maybelline is covering my self-esteem
Whose job is it to straighten out my curves?
I’m so tired of that image, that’s my word
What if today I don’t feel like putting heels on?
Who are you to criticize when beauty’s only in the eyes…”

I’m the first one to admire all the woman I see on a daily bases with no make up, I think i’ts so great to see so many women who feel beautiful without artifices !

So I won’t turn into a no make up guru, I have too much fun wit it to put it aside, but I think it’s a good thing to push myself a little. So this is my no make, no filter selfie, totally raw, out there now,  taken this morning on my way to the pool.

To relieve a little bit of pressure from appearances, I challenge you to share a selfie with #nomakeup #nosfilter
Will you do it ? 

Please I would love you to share the link here in the comment, or had the hashtag #nomakeupfriends so I can see you.

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